Pond Maintenance: How Do I Maintain My Pond?

Pond maintenance is the secret to an algae-free water garden!

To maintain a pond effectively and ensure the health and longevity of its ecosystem, just four simple tasks need to be carried out regularly. Here is how to maintain you pond:

1. Adding beneficial bacteria: Beneficial bacteria play a vital role in maintaining water clarity and reducing nutrient buildup in the pond.

2. Adding Algaway: Algaway is specifically designed to control and prevent algae growth.

3. Backwashing the filter: Pond filters trap debris and impurities, preventing their recirculation into the water. Backwashing the filter ensures its optimal functionality.

4. Removing debris: Regular removal of debris from the pond is crucial to maintain its overall cleanliness and prevent any negative impact on the water quality and inhabitants.

Contact us to schedule Weekly Pond Maintenance and we’ll take care of the rest!


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