Pond Clean Out: When Should I Get One?

If you are experiencing algae blooms in your pond, it is time to consider getting a pond clean out. Algae blooms commonly occur in the spring when warm weather and organic materials combine to overwhelm the established ecosystem. To effectively reset your pond's ecosystem and eliminate the algae, a clean out is the easiest and most efficient solution.

The first step in the clean out process involves draining the pond completely. This allows for a fresh start and removes any accumulated debris or organic matter that may be contributing to the algae growth. If you have fish living in your pond, it is important to transfer them to an aerated tub temporarily during the pond clean out process to ensure their safety and well-being.

Once the pond is drained, the next step is to clean any algae off the rocks or other surfaces within the pond. This can be done by physically scrubbing or powerwashing the affected areas. Removing this residue helps prevent the algae from regrowing once the pond is refilled.

After the algae is removed, it is time to refill the pond with clean water. This ensures a fresh environment for the fish and other pond inhabitants, and helps to establish a balanced ecosystem. Don’t forget to add dechlorinator to protect your fish from the chemicals found in most water!

If you are facing recurring algae blooms in your pond, you should get a spring pond clean out. A pond clean out will reset your pond's ecosystem and prevent further algae growth, allowing you to rebuild its ecosystem with a weekly maintenance schedule.

Contact us to schedule a Pond Clean Out and we’ll take care of the rest!


Pond Maintenance: How Do I Maintain My Pond?